The Clare, Gladwin, Midland McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Consortium stands ready to support and educate the students experiencing homelessness in our communities. 

 The federal law, McKinney-Vento Act, defines the term, "homeless children and youth," as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

 Help is provided to children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing or economic hardship, living in alternative accommodations (motel, campground, car, etc.), shelters, or are awaiting foster care placement. 

Boy writing

Participating School Districts


Academic and Career Education Academy

(989) 631-5202 ext. 214

Beaverton Schools

(989) 246-3227

Bullock Creek Schools

(989) 832-2081

Clare-Gladwin RESD

(989) 386-8614

Clare Public Schools

(989) 386-7789

Coleman Community Schools

989) 465-9861

Farwell Area Schools

(989) 588-9915

Gladwin Community Schools

(989) 426-9255

Harrison Community Schools

(989) 539-6902

Meridian Public Schools

(989) 687-3300

Midland County ESA

(989) 631-5892 ext. 103

Midland Public Schools

(989) 923-5024

Windover High School

(989) 832-0852

The educational rights under McKinney-Vento for the homeless children and youth include the right to:

  • Go to school, no matter where they live

  • Continue in their school of origin, if this is in their best interest

  • Receive transportation to and from the school of origin

  • Enroll immediately, even if missing records, with children not experiencing homelessness

  • Enroll, attend classes, and fully participate in all school activities

  • Have access to free lunch and supplemental educational services (Title I)T


  • School Districts can help when children and/or youth are living in shelters, motels, campgrounds, or are doubled-up with other families due to lack of income or housing.

  • If you lose your home, you do not need to lose your school you were in, even if you are now staying in a different area.

  • Immediate enrollment is also available in the school in the area where you are presently staying.

  • Free breakfast and lunch, school supplies, clothing, tutoring, and other services are available for students in the above situations.


  • You should contact your local school district Liaison if you have questions or want to receive more information about the federally-funded McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Program.

  • Information is also available by calling Jana Kullick, Grant Coordinator for Clare, Gladwin, and Midland Counties at 989-923-5024.